Nest is the Government backed workplace pension scheme established so companies could comply with the automatic enrolment legislation and is a Defined Contribution pension arrangement. Nest is a Master Trust arrangement, which is a pension arrangement designed for use by multiple different employers, held under legal trust and run by a Trustee Board.
There are 15 Trustees on the Board, including the Chair. The Trustee Board are independent of the Company and have been specially selected by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for their wide range of experience skills and knowledge of the pensions industry. The Trustee Board retain decision making independence for all matters including administration and investment governance and are required to act in the interests of all members (not themselves, any representative body or Unipart), to ensure that all the members are treated fairly and equally. They work hard to ensure that your pension scheme is efficiently run and that it delivers you value for money. Further details on the Trustee Board can be found in the Nest website
and Accounts (which can be found by clicking the button below)
Nest obtained authorisation from the Pensions Regulator under the Occupational Pension Schemes (Master Trusts) Regulations 2018 on 10 September 2019.
Nest holds personal data about members in order to correctly administer and pay benefits. Following the introduction of the Data Protection Act 2018 the Trustees are required to make available details of the data that is held, how it is used and the safeguards in place to ensure this data is protected. This information is set out in the Trustee’s Data Protection Privacy Notice, which is available by clicking the button below.
NEST provides access to the member website, that enables you to view specific details about your pension. Get access by clicking the button below.
My Online AccountIf you have any questions about the member website or how to access it, you should contact the administrator and the contact details can be found on the Contact us Page.
If you have a complaint relating to your pension benefits or the service you have received from the NEST administrator, then you will need to raise it with Nest. You can access more information about this from the complaints section of the Nest website
Nest also have a PDF which sets out the full complaints process, including what to do if you are still unhappy with their response. This can be accessed here
Nene Hall,
Lynch Wood Business Park,
Nene Hall,
Lynch Wood Business Park,
Tel: 0300 020 0090